Augmented Reality in Industry and Business


Technologies that expand our perception of reality in a digital way – the speech is of Augmented Reality. For the private user there are numerous apps with which he uses on his terminal additional information or 3D models can be projected into the real world.

But this hasn't been a gamer for a long time, but has its way into the business sector found.

According to Study IDG Business Media GmbH from 2019 almost half (48%) of companies with 1,000 or more employees AR in production and benefit from its added value. With rising trends. 3/4 of these companies stated that AR had the hoped for success and Competitiveness. The Company Report increased efficiency, increased safety and improved knowledge transfer between their employees.

AR in practice

AR applications are diverse and dynamic. In the following areas, Technology for great acceptance, while companies have significant successes in terms of cost and Save time.

input devices and their operating concepts

Augmented reality glasses

© zapp2photo/ Darstellung einer Augmented-Reality-Brille

Data glasses specially developed for AR ( Microsoft HoloLens , VUZIX , RealWear and Other ) have in their glasses Displays on which information and models are displayed. Sensors and cameras at Glasses capture the environment and calculate a visually correct display of the elements.

The most common type of interaction is the digital components for a longer time with the Focus and activate or control them. Some AR glasses are with lateral buttons or controllers, which allow the user to interact with the User interface.

Mobile devices

Nowadays almost every person has a powerful computer in his pocket – namely the smartphone or tablet. They are also very suitable for use in the AR area due to their shape and functions. The camera serves as a projector, the gyro sensor registering the movements.

On mobile devices, the boundaries between reality and virtuality do not blur as much as in AR glasses, however, are very intuitive in their operation and require in most cases no training. The user can use the usual and established gestures as the Tap. Swipe or pinch interact with the elements shown.

Our experiences and recommendations

We also see great opportunities for ActiDoo GmbH in the development of augmented reality Use in different areas. There is a great potential for application in digital imaging of products and processes and interactively and immersively in it to include. We have already gained some experience with AR in recent years and a basic framework for current and future projects with this technology.

What aspects are you particularly interested in regarding the further development of AR? Which of your Ideas and projects make AR use of? Leave a comment or Contact us by email !

Felix Eickhoff

Felix Eickhoff

About the author

Felix is a specialist in user experience design and front-end development. At actidoo, he deals with cross-platform app and game development, and on the other hand burns for innovative virtual reality and augmented reality applications.

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